
The “Tabarca” Bassoon Quartet was founded in the year 2003 by the inquisitiveness of four professional bassoonists from the province of Alicante in Spain. All members from this ensemble share the interest since years ago by put up our instrument to the deserved level and we wish that most people know it. We also pretend that the Bassoon be well known by young musicians and by the escolar community. We contribute to this task since years through our teaching activity. This peculiar ensemble give new air to the Chamber Music concerts. The large sound registry of the Bassoon and their expressive capacity make we can confront successfully the most assorted repertoires. Although in our programmes we incorporate original works, specially by good doing composers but not very well known into the symphonic panorama, we do not ignore quality arrangements which provide to the concert an important ludic component and besides, put the Bassoon near the world of Jazz, separated long time ago from it. Another point we have present when we make our programmes is to put closer the people the contemporary musical language and the current trends, always having in mind that our music be achievable to most people. With all this we get a group with strong educational content and very versatile, and at the same time we try make the public enjoy the music together with us, the performers. 

Other members

Throughout the career of the Tabarca Bassoon Quartet, other bassoonists have been members of it. This is because from the beginning, we knew it would be necessary to have other colleagues due to mobility for work or study reasons, and sometimes it is impossible for original quartet members have the opportunity to work together.

Bartolomé Mayor Catalá (founder)

Rafael Domenech Donate (founder)

Juan Carlos Tortosa Delgado (founder)

Ximo Morales Devesa

Miriam Guillén Berna


Le Phénix Michel Corette  
Pour se distraire D.Dondeyne  

Pigs(A present for Gordon Jacob)

Alan Ridout  
Last Tango in Bayreuth Peter Schickele  
Scherzo Humorístico Sergei Prokofiev  
Bassoonicana Andrew Balent  
Sinfonía Fantástica (fragmentos) Hector Berlioz  
La Traviata (fragmentos) Giuseppe Verdi  
Tango Gûnter Noris  
The Easy Winners Scott Joplin  

Mark Goddard

El Barbero de Sevilla (fragmentos)

Giacomo Rossini

The Pink Panter

Henry Mancini

Canzona en Do "La Pelegrina"

Tarquinio Merula

Michel Rondeau - Juan Carlos Tortosa

Concierto nº 3 en Sol Mayor

para 4 flautasy contínuo

Johann Christian Schickhardt

Juan Carlos Tortosa