Need I to be logged to browse this website?
No, you don't. You can browse all the website without be logged.
Need I to be registered user to browse this website?
No, you don't. You can browse all the website without be registered user.
How can I close the session?
Go to "Pages" - "Other pages" - "Login". You can do it also with the login form at the right navigation bar.
Can I register with my social accounts?
Access through social networks has been enabled again. At this time, you can use your Google and Facebook account to log in or create a new account. Go to the Login page and click on the Facebook icon.
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Can I to publish blog entries?
No, you can't. Only registered users with permissions can do it.
Can I to publish comments in the blog?
Yes, you can. Publishing comments is activated.
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How many languages are enabled in this website?
Spanish and English are enabled in this web but be carefully because some pages and sections are not translated. Blog entries normally talk about Spanish interest, so the content of the blog is only in Spanish language, nevertheless navigation is both in English and Spanish languages. Some articles are translated so you will see a flag at the beginning of the article. The same occurs in our Forum and Downloads section, only menus and navigation appears in English.
How can I switch the language?
In the left side upper menu, you have two flag icons to select the language.
You can also go to the Home page and choose the language by clicking on the flags.
Another way to do this is by typing directly into the browser's address bar. For example, if you are in https://iberfagot.com/esmagazine/inicio you can change /es/ to /en/ and go to the new language.
Some links doesn't work properly
In the Glossary, if nothing happens when you click on a link, then right-click on the link and open in a new tab.
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